High School Juniors and Seniors
May Start NOW
Working on Their College Careers!!!

Western Wyoming Community College Outreach and Star Valley High School are working together to provide college credit classes to exceptional High School Juniors and Seniors through our High School Concurrent courses.

Concurrent classes are basically High School courses which are taught at a college level, and since the objectives are the same as those required of on-campus students, you may receive high school and college credit for the class.

- There is no cost to the student for these courses, but forms must be completed and submitted by specific dates.

- Credits transfer to most institutions. How the credits apply to a degree is determined by the college you choose to attend. For specifics, call that institution.

- Note: Class enrollment is restricted to Juniors and Seniors who have at least a 3.25 grade point average (or permission from the instructor).

For more information, please feel free to call the WWCC Outreach office at 886-3834 or Star Valley High School Counselors at 885-4020.

Courses and Programs