County lighting ordinance

What the ordinance says:

H. Residential Lights.

Exterior lighting on residences brighter than a 60 watt incandescent light, or no brighter than a 75 watt incandescent light if controlled by a motion detector,



shall be shielded so that no light is projected above the horizontal, and the lamp shall be diffused or shielded so that it cannot be seen from roadways, public areas, or any other property.




Floodlights are discouraged. Floodlights on residences with external shielding shall be permitted provided that they are angled so that the centerline of the light beam is directed below a thirty degree (30°) angle measured from the vertical line from the center of the light extended to the ground, and only if the fixture does not cause glare or light to shine on adjacent property or rights-of-way. Motion detector lights are encouraged, but they shall meet the requirements for floodlights.