Dark Skies is an international movement to improve exterior lighting in order to:

    * preserve the starry night sky

    * prevent light trespass, unwanted lighting of homes or properties by other's lights

    * prevent glare that makes night vision difficult and reduces security and safe driving

Teton Dark Skies is an effort to improve lighting in the Teton Valley

These issues are getting more attention from individuals, from media, and from lighting manufacturers, who are now producing exterior lights that light their subject but not areas and people who would suffer from unwanted light.

The movement started with astronomers, the canaries in this mine, because their livelihood depended upon seeing into space.  Once they raised the issue, it became evident to many others that they were also affected by light shining into their bedroom and glare that made night vision difficult and night driving more dangerous.  The issue is becoming a mainstream one with the enactment of ordinances all over the world to control lighting, particularly glare, light tresspass, overlighting, and uplighting.

These problems can be fixed by properly designed, installed, and operated lighting.  The same measures will stop the wasteful lighting of the sky.  Teton Valley is one of the few places where the night sky is still visible.  This resource can be preserved here with reasonable effort, even though it is completely lost in many places.

Teton Dark Skies is an effort to apply the knowledge and benefits from the international effort to this valley, while there is still time to preserve much of the natural nighttime without having to backtrack  to a better time

Teton County, Idaho has adopted an ordinance for new subdivisions.  Victor has adopted a  Victor Lighting Ordinance.  Driggs has provisions in its design standards.

To get more details, go to the Ordinances page

Although public lighting is the source of much of the light pollution in the valley, architects and designers, builders, businesses, and homeowners can use properly designed and installed lights and contribute to others' nighttime experience.  Other issues are given on other pages here and on many internet resources.  Good lights are often hard to find, expecially for residences.  The International Dark Sky Association certifies light fixtures.  They are listed here.

The IDA seal of approval is this 



Jean's Publications

Jack's work summary

Life in the Country

Dark skies

Good lights

Local lighting ordinances

County subdivision lighting ordinance


West Nile virus spread and what it may mean for Teton County

Jack's documents to the mosquito Board  and links to other sites